This proposed project seeks funding to conduct an applied research study and a book publication on Black Wichita, Kansas between 1945 and 1958. The Research on Black Wichita (ROBW): 1945 – 1958 will provide a descriptive and critical analysis on five topics of importance to the Wichita Black community. Responding to the charge to inform as well as to educate on what life was like in Black Wichita between 1945 and 1958, this study will address these five areas: education, sociocultural activity, business and economic development, political activity, and religious institutions and spiritual foundations. Applying focus group methodology, in addition to individual interviews, and using formal documents, published reports and books, newspapers, media aids, anecdotal information, and photographs, this riveting manuscript will assist Wichita’s Black pioneers in telling their own stories. As such, this accounting should go a long way in filling the void in information and understanding of the history of Black Wichita. This proposed research is aimed at the general public as well as high school youth.
Total Funds Requested: $25,000.00
The principal intent of this proposed project is to conduct an applied research study for book publication on Black Wichita, Kansas between 1945 and 1958. This proposed Research on Black Wichita (ROBW) will address five areas of inquiry, to wit: educational activity, sociocultural activity, business and economic development, political activity, and religious institutions and spiritual foundations. This study will use focus group methodology and individual interviews in addition to formal documents, published reports and books, newspapers, media aids, anecdotal information, and photographs to present a riveting descriptive and an analytical accounting of Black Wichita: 1945 – 1958.
As the project director (and principal investigator), the undersigned conceived and originally implemented this concept in 2003 with the assistance of a Publication Advisory Committee (PAC). Comprised of community leaders, volunteers, educators, and retired or working professionals from the Wichita Black community, PAC members have been indispensable in the early stages of this study. To approximate an agency-base status, the project director has established an associate relationship with the North Heights Christian Church (NHCC), 3030 N. Hillside, Wichita, KS 67219. This project will be implemented in collaboration with PAC, community groups and organizations, and local church groups. A professional accountant will be contracted for receipt and disbursement of all revenues.